Asia is the largest continent in the world in both area and population constituing nearly one third of the landmass and nearly of 44 millions square kilometers that include the 8.70% of the earth's surface and 29,43% landsmasses and with and 1.33 billions of these people live in China, it means the 61% of the mundial population.
You will find information that will help you to improve your knowledge about some important data of those Continents in the following content.
Friday, May 23, 2014
After Asia the second bigest continent in the planet is America, this continent a big place along the occidental hemisphere in the earth. This continent is extendsfrom the Glacial Arctic Ocean by the nort until the Cabos of Hornos in the south in the confluence of the atlantic and pacific oceans.
These oceans delimit the east and west of the continent.
The Americas can be approximatdy divided into two major cultual regions:
Latina America, wich includes North America, Soutnh America of the Rio Grande, the island of the West Indies and all of South America and Anglo-America wich includes Cada and the United States.
The term Middle America is sometimes used to designate Mexico, Central America and the West Indies collectively.
After Asi and America, Africa is the most biggest continent in the world because of the territorial extension. This continent limit the noth with the Mediterrean Sea and the west with the Atlantic Ocean to the south with the Alantic and India oceans and limit the east with the Red Sea and the Inida Ocean.
In surface terms Europe is the second small continent that reach around the 11.000.000 in square kilometers the 2% of the earth's surface in the world and around of 6.8% of the landmass total.
This continent keep a big number of sovereing states their exact number depends of the defenition of Europe's froteir.
As well as the exclusion an inclusion of the partially reconized from all of the European countries, Russia is the major in surface termswhite the Vaticano's city is the smallest not only in Europe,also around the world. Those countries respectative are also the most and less populated of Europe .
Oceania is an insular continent of the earth, consituted for the continental platform of Australia for the following Islands of Nueva Guinea, Nueva Zelanda and the Archipielagos Coralinos y Volcanicos ovf Melanesia, Micronesia and Polinesia.
A sector from the experts consider that Insulindid is also part of Oceania.
All of these islands are organized by the Pacific Ocean with an extension of 9.008.458 squares kilometers is about the most small continent of the planet.
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