Friday, May 23, 2014



After Asia the second bigest continent in the planet is America, this continent a big place along the occidental hemisphere in the earth. This continent is extendsfrom the Glacial Arctic Ocean by the nort until the Cabos of Hornos in the south in the confluence of the atlantic and pacific oceans.
These oceans delimit the east and west of the continent.

The Americas can be approximatdy divided into two major cultual regions:
Latina America, wich includes North America, Soutnh America of the Rio Grande, the island of the West Indies and all of South America and Anglo-America wich includes Cada and the United States.
The term Middle America is sometimes used to designate Mexico, Central America and the West Indies collectively.

With a surface of more than 42.000.000 square kilometers the second bigest mass in the globe covening the 8.3% of the total surface o the planet and the 30.2% of the landmass, therefore the human population is close of the 12%.

Video About America:

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